Mastering Clutch Control: Your Key to Confident Driving

Master Clutch Control for Driving Confidence

Picture yourself on a hill, the city sprawled before you like a canvas of opportunities. Your hand is on the gearstick, your foot poised on the clutch pedal. This is the moment of truth, where clutch control is the difference between a smooth ascent and the lurching frustration of a stall. Clutch control is not […]

Is That Mirror For Decoration? Why Proper Driving Etiquette Matters

We’ve all been there – stuck behind a driver going frustratingly slow in the fast lane, or cut off on the motorway without warning. But have you ever considered that practising simple driving courtesy could make the roads safer for everyone? In this article, we’ll explore the importance of honouring basic driving etiquette through respecting […]

The Secret Weapon in Your Driving Lessons: Why a Dual-Controlled Car is a Must

Ever wonder why professional driving instructors insist on using a dual-controlled car for lessons? At first glance, it may seem like an extra expense – but a dual-controlled car is actually one of the most valuable tools for new drivers to gain safe, responsible skills behind the wheel. In this article, we’ll reveal the top […]

Conquering the UK Driving Theory Test: Top Tips for Success

Theory Test: Top Tips for Success

Hello, future driver! So, you’re ready to take on the UK Driving Theory Test? That’s fantastic! This test is a significant milestone on your journey to becoming a fully licensed driver. But we understand that it can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re not sure what to expect or how best to prepare. Fear […]

The Ultimate Showdown: Learning to Drive Manual vs Automatic in the UK

Hey there, soon-to-be motorist! It’s fantastic to see you ready to take the driving world by storm. You’re about to embark on one of life’s most thrilling journeys, but before you hit the road, there’s a critical decision you need to make: should you learn to drive a manual or an automatic car? It’s a […]

How do I turn left from a major to minor road?

If you are turning from a major road to a minor road, there are certain things that you need to do, which will be covered in your driving lessons. Here, we have a quick look at the process involved.   First of all, you should know in advance where the minor road is so that […]

6 Easy Ways to Make Your Driving Lessons More Enjoyable


If you’re a driving instructor, you might be aware that the industry is changing. Some of the more traditional ways of teaching driving lessons are going out of fashion as new technologies and approaches emerge. In this article, I’ll go over some new trends in driving instruction so that you can take advantage of them. […]

What are some good tips before taking my driving test?

What are some good tips before taking my driving test?

The driving test is what you’ve been working towards. Regardless of how many driving lessons you’ve had or how many theory test attempts, you’re at the final stretch. Your driving test is the opportunity to show what you’ve learned, and you’ll be assessed on a series of tasks set by the examiner. You won’t know […]

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Driving Instructor

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Driving Instructor

Learning to drive can be a daunting experience, but your driving instructor is there to provide as much help and information as possible. It’s your right to ask questions of your instructor, and you should in order to ensure you have all the details you need to both feel confident about your driving and to […]