Why Is The Hazard Perception Test Important?

Anyone who has set their sights on earning their driving licence will first have to pass a theory test.

This exam – which must be passed before a learner can attempt their practical test – consists of two parts. The first section features 50 multiple choice questions on topics such as road signs and speed limits. The second – perhaps more dreaded section – is the hazard perception.

While this half of the theory test can be difficult to pass, it’s certainly important when it comes to preparing learner drivers for life behind the wheel.

Here are a few of the reasons why the hazard perception test is so valuable in assessing prospective road users’ ability to drive safely.

It tests awareness of hazards

It takes more than mastering the clutch and knowing when to indicate to become a safe road user. Instead – whether you’re driving through a rural village or a built-up city – there’s always an element of needing to detect hazards.

The hazard perception clearly outlines what these can be using visual aids of bikes, cars and pedestrians. These threats are exactly the type of thing that people will encounter when they achieve their driving licence.

It tests reactions

Those sitting the hazard perception test are required to watch 14 clips where there is at least one developing hazard.

To pass, learners need to be able to identify these hazards – and quickly! The section of the exam isn’t just about seeing if individuals can detect when there could be a possible issue, but also how fast they can spot it happening.

Again, this helps heighten people’s awareness before they’re put in a situation where an accident could occur while driving.

It can’t be blagged

The multiple choice section of the theory test is often deemed easy to ‘blag’.

This means that people can achieve the pass mark of 43 out of 50 just by using educated guesses or relying on sheer luck. Unfortunately, this can mean that people are one step closer to being qualified road users without a firm understanding of how to be a safe driver.

On the other hand, the hazard perception element is harder to guess and ensures that drivers must have a decent knowledge of emerging hazards before they can pass. In turn, this reduces the risk of accidents for everyone who holds their licence.

Good luck!

The first step to passing the hazard perception test is realising that it serves an important purpose in preparing people for life on the road. Once you’ve passed it and you’re clued up about potential hazards, you can start looking towards sitting your practical driving test and earning your licence.


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