5 Tips For Driving At Night

Driving at night can be dangerous, even for experienced drivers, so it’s especially critical for new drivers to be cautious when it goes dark. With reduced visibility, it’s easy for mistakes to be made, so follow these five tips to remain safe while driving during the nighttime hours:

1. Ensure Your Windscreen Is Clean And Clear

Make sure your front and rear windscreens are both clean and check that you have your screen wash topped up. Not only can a dirty windscreen further reduce your visibility, it can also result in glare from the lights of other passing drivers.

2. Don’t Dazzle Other Drivers

While we’re discussing glare… make sure you’re not dazzling other drivers. Sometimes while driving at night you will need to have your full beam headlights on. Be mindful that drivers travelling in the opposite direction will be hit by the full force of your beams and make sure you dip them as soon as possible to prevent causing an accident.

3. Dim Your Dashboard Lights

Many cars models have the functionality to dim the internal lights on dashboards and controls. Find out if yours does and if possible be sure to dim yours a little more than usual to help keep your focus on the lights outside and reduce distractions.

4. Reduce Speed (Set Off Earlier If Needed)

This one may seem obvious, but it’s surprising how many fail to reduce their speed when driving at night.

Allowing yourself an extra few moments to react can be the difference between life and death. Hazards can creep up on you a lot quicker at night and if you do have an accident, you’re less likely to damage yourself or your car.

5. Wear Your Glasses (And Get Regular Eye Checks)

You’re only as good as the quality of your eyes while driving and even if you think you can get away with not wearing your glasses, don’t risk it.

We would always advise that you wear your glasses while driving during the day, so it’s especially important that you wear them when driving at night.

Similarly, if you’ve noticed that your eyesight might be starting to fade, make sure you get an eye check up to ensure you’re fully safe to drive.

Driving at night is all about preparation and caution, but follow the tips in this post and you should be able to drive at night confidently and safely.


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